Sunday, September 13, 2009

Money Making

Alright, there are and have been millions of "money making sites" usually all scams that ask for money. After looking for sites to fund me some money I came across a suggestion. Making a Blog, as this one and adding an ad program. Allowing me to earn money every time someone clicks on the advertisments. I thought wow, lets give it a shot after all I have nothing to lose. So here I am making a blog hoping to get some money somehow. Hopefully I will report back within a week to tell you my progress. I hope this helps.


  1. Ok so I searched for some ads to put on the site that make me money by you clicking on them. So far so good as you can see >>>.
    All I need is a few clicks for me to see if this really works, I will get back to you asap.
    P.S. If you want to get the ads you see on the right just click on the banner below this post labeled "Widget Bucks."

  2. Oh Btw if you have already made a site and have ads on it now a good way to get it recognized is by the banner link that I have on the bottom of this page labeled ""


Earn $$ with WidgetBucks

Earn $$ with WidgetBucks!